The Phillips DNA Project News

Sense about Genealogical DNA Testing

The announcement of the publication of Sense About Science’s new briefing on Sense about Genetic Ancestry Testing 
attracted substantial media coverage. However, some of the articles may have given the false impression that all DNA ancestry tests are "meaningless". This left some readers to wonder about the scientific credibility of the DNA testing used in the investigation of the presumed remains of Richard III or the tests taken by genealogists as part of their family history research. However, the briefing made it clear that "There are credible ways to use the genetic data from mtDNA or Y chromosomes in individual ancestry testing, such as to supplement independent, historical studies of genealogy." This combination of genealogical research with DNA testing is known as genetic genealogy, and is a more specific and rigorous application than the generalised “deep” ancestry tests critiqued in Sense About Genetic Ancestry Testing.  Click here to read more in Debbie Kennett's blog on Sense about Science.

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