The Phillips DNA Project News

11/12/09: Setting up a free DNA Account at


In our November newsletter, we recommend people who have been tested by FTDNA set up a free DNA account at and enter their DNA values by hand to facilitate in finding matches in that growing database.  We have found more than 50 Phillips in the database and over half of them have matches they probably don't know about in our Phillips DNA Project.  However, many people struggle with setting up the free DNA account because FTDNA and do not test all the same markers, they do not list the markers in the same order, and some of the values have to be converted.

Therefore, if you would like to set up a free DNA account at, please contact us and we will help you with the process.  We can set up the account for you, enter your DNA values and turn the account over to you.  You can then change the password so that you will have complete control over your account.  If you are interested in doing this, please contact us.  We want to do all we can to find our lost cousins in the database.