• A Norwegian-led delegation was in Normandy on Monday and opened the sarcophagus of two of Rollo’s descendants, a grandson and a great grandson. The aim is to use DNA to put an end to a centuries-long debate: Was

  • Summer in Houston means relentless heat. Ruthless sunshine punctuated by the occasional thunderstorm. The hum of air conditioner compressors is the season’s soundtrack.


  • The average Briton is only 37% British with the remainder of their genes coming from European ancestors as far afield as Scandinavia, Spain and Greece.  Click

  • Widespread sexual exploitation before the Civil War strongly influenced the genetic make-up of essentially all African Americans alive today.  Click

  • Scholars of the period differ as to the geographical origins of the Philistines, with mainland Greece, the islands of Crete or Cyprus, and Anatolia in modern-day Turkey considered. The expedition team is now
