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Member Y-DNA Tests in Progress at FTDNA as of 10/12/2021
Due Date, Batch #, Kit #, Type of Test
The DNA that make us uniquely human may come in small bits that are sandwiched between what we inherited from our extinct ancestors. Those small bits don’t add up to much. Perhaps just 1.5 to 7 percent of our genetic instruction book — or genome
A group of scientists have uncovered a new chapter of the "human story" in Southeast Asia thanks to a partially preserved skeleton dating back approximately 7,200 years. Click ...
Just over four centuries ago, the ship The Mayflower sailed from Plymouth in the UK to the shores of America, carrying with it a group of travellers who would go down in history. For some, these 17th Century "pilgrim fathers" are also real-life
Family Tree DNA's tests are on sale until the end of August. The Y-37 test is $109.00 and the Y-111 test is $219.00. The Y-37 test is usually enough to establish which Phillips Family Group is yours. There are also other tests on sale but the
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