• Your Y-DNA may help you find genetic cousins along your direct paternal line. Planned comparisons are the best choice. To set up a planned comparison, select two men who you believe share a direct paternal ancestor. Have both men take a Y-DNA

  • Member Y-DNA Tests in Progress at FTDNA as of 7/15/2021


    Due Date,      Batch #,        Kit #,              Type of Test

  • A man's direct paternal lineage is the line that follows his father's paternal ancestry. This line consists entirely of men. A man's Y-chromosome DNA (Y-DNA) is the same or very similar to his father's Y-DNA, his grandfather's Y-DNA, his great

  • Human chromosomes have now been found to be 20 times heavier than the DNA in them. Whatever is behind this extra weight could explain things which might reveal genetic mutations and anomalies that cause congenital diseases and damage to DNA that

  • Save on Y-DNA tests at Family Tree DNA now through June 20th. I recommend the 37 marker test which is on sale for $109 plus postage. Family Finder and mtDNA tests are also on sale but our Phillips DNA project is based on Y-DNA tests only. Click
