• Why don't project members who match perfectly at Y-DNA 67 markers match each other with Family Finder?

    It is not unusual for the relationship to be undetected by Family Finder which is an autosomal DNA test. Most Y-DNA 67 exact

  • Want to live 100+ years? You may need unusually good DNA repair. Click here to read more in Big Think.


  • DNA has upended neat and tidy accounts of the peopling of the American continents. Click here

  • Member Y-DNA Tests in Progress at FTDNA as of 4/30/2021


    Due Date,      Batch #,        Kit #,              Type of Test

  • The fossil skull of a woman in Czechia (the Czech Republic) has provided the oldest modern human genome yet reconstructed, representing a population that formed before the ancestors of present-day Europeans and Asians split apart. Click ...