• Here is a link to an interesting article entitled "DNA from an unknown ancestor found in modern humans"

  • Here's a link to an article written by Dick Eastman on this subject. But I think his last sentence says

  • Family Tree DNA is running a summer sale on their DNA tests through the end of August. The 37 marker Y-DNA test is on sale for $109 plus postage and the 111 marker Y-DNA test is on sale for $219 plus postage. Although other tests are also on

  • A major DNA study conducted by 23andMe has shed new light on the fate of millions of Africans who were traded as slaves to the Americas between the 16th and 19th centuries.

    More than 50,000 people took

  • If both you and your Y-DNA match have taken the Family Finder autosomal test but do not share any detectable autosomal DNA, it means that your relationship is unlikely to be within the past five generations. Autosomal DNA dilutes very rapidly
