Contact Us

Please use the contact form below to let us know your questions, suggestions or thoughts. Please don't forget to fill in the reCaptcha challenge below the form before you click the send button. Thank you for helping make the The Phillips DNA Project one of the best DNA Projects.

If you want to join this project and you have recently taken an, FTDNA Family Finder or 23andMe DNA test, it will not be possible to add your DNA results to this project. The newer DNA tests only test autosomal DNA which is incompatible with a Y-DNA comparison.

This project requires a Y-DNA STR test for Y-DNA STR comparison. A minimum of a 37 marker test is strongly recommended.

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You consent to the transfer of your personal data which includes your name, email address, and any other personal information you have supplied in this contact form request. For more information, please see our privacy statement.

Phillips DNA Blog