• In the past two centuries, the evolution of the U.S. Census has tracked the country's social tensions and reflected its political controversies. Now its future is in question. Click ...

  • Genetic, geographic, and demographic data from more than 30,000 Americans reveal more genetic diversity within ancestry groups than previously thought. Click ...

  • At-home DNA test kits are helping people understand their roots, but they're also uncovering shocking, decades-old family secrets.

    Enfield resident Ryan Simpson said he bought a DNA test kit when it was on sale but the test results were

  • At Family Tree DNA, a Y-DNA haplogroup prediction is calculated using genetic distance. The calculation finds your most likely haplogroup. The prediction program compares your Y-DNA STR (short tandem repeat) profile to FTDNA's results database.

  • Member Tests in Progress at FTDNA as of 02/09/2020


    Due Date,      Batch #,        Kit #,              Type of Test
