Remember Me
Evidence shows cannibalism was once routine in ancient Britain among the first people to settle the land after the deep freeze of the last Ice Age. Click...
A geneticist at the University of Maryland named Steve Mount who teaches genetics has written an interesting blog about getting his autosomal DNA tested at 23andMe. Here are his
Ziona Chana who lives in the Indian state of Mizoram has 39 wives, 94 children and 33 grandchildren. They live in a 100-room, four storey house where the wives sleep in communal dormitories. One evening
Tests in progress at FTDNA as of 20 February 2011:Due Date, Batch
For 130 years, from 1880 to 2010, John Charles Brown's past was hidden in veils of secrecy. John's children and grandchildren didn't know who his parents or siblings were. It was the proverbial genealogical
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