Project Success Stories

Cousins Reunited After 67 Years

One of our Phillips DNA Project members, John Phillips of Sydney, Australia, recently related a story which needs to be shared about his wife Netalija. While technically it is not a DNA success story, it is a success story on the benefits of using the Internet and genealogy sites to do your family research. You never know what you might find and Netalija found something she thought was lost forever, her family in Russia.

The two videos below tell the story of how two cousins, Netalija and Marianna, separated by the Battle of Leningrad in 1941 and each thought the other dead for 67 years. John used to post his family history and the results from John's family history quest resulted in a joyous reunion between Netalija Karlovna Mittenberg, his wife, and her cousin, Marianna Aleksandrova Egorova.

For more details, you can see's blog story, To Russia, With Love.

excerpt from the story on March 2009, John received an email from Dmitry Jegorov Sitic from Riga, capital of Latvia. Dmitry was terribly excited as his grandmother, Marianna Aleksandrova Egorova was Netalija's cousin. Marianna's mother, Vera Nikolaevna Chumakova and Netalija's mother Lubova were sisters. His grandmother still had photos of the family.....

Part I

Part II