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Member Tests in Progress at FTDNA as of 05/28/2018
Due Date, Batch #, Kit #, Type of
Some genetic genealogy websites are going "dark" (ie, off line) because of the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation which is going into effect on May 25th. One of the casualties is Y-Search. Click ...
23andMe sued rival on Friday May 11 in a California federal district court, alleging infringement of its patented method of identifying relatives in a database and of false advertising. The company also asked the court to nullify
Here's a link to a story that explains how
Family Tree DNA is holding a sale on all of their DNA tests through April 28th. Please note that our Phillips DNA Project is based exclusively on Y-DNA tests of men who have the Phillips surname. FTDNA's Family Finder test and mtDNA tests will
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