• Genealogical sleuthing techniques that are old to a handful of genealogists but new to most law enforcement have led to arrests in Washington State and Pennsylvania and unearthed a lead in a 37-year-old murder in Texas. All three cases were only

  • MyHeritage just announced that, following the recent separation of immigrant parents and children in the United States, MyHeritage is expanding its pro-bono initiative, which helps reunite adoptees with their biological families through DNA

  • A Toronto-based laboratory that tests people's DNA to determine their ancestry has been caught providing "proof" of such ancestry, even when the DNA sample came from a non-human. Here is a ...

  • Family Tree DNA's traditional Father's Day Sale starts today and ends June 18th. Be sure to order your test test through our Phillips DNA Project at this

  • Member Tests in Progress at FTDNA as of 05/28/2018


    Due Date,      Batch #,        Kit #,              Type of
