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1902: TX - George W. Gayle, sp/o Mary Jane (Phillips) Gayle

  • Mamie
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19 Sep 2012 19:35 #1101 by Mamie

Prominent Man of Brazoria County Stricken with Paralysis.

Columbia, Texas, May 19.-George W. Gayle, prominent Mason, Knight of Honor, and Confederate soldier, died here today. He was a nephew of George W. Gayle of Cahaba, Ala., the noted Confederate who was placed in irons at Fortress Monroe at the same time President Davis was confined there. Mr. Gayle was stricken with paralysis about a week ago and rarely returned to consciousness up to the time of his death this morning. He was a member of the “Montgomery True Blues,” a company raised at Montgomery, Ala., where he was born, and whence he went to Virginia at the beginning of the war. At one time he was under command of General Henry A. Wise, governor of Virginia. In all the walks of life he was a true man, a friend to the needy, a helper to all in distress, and was loved by all. His integrity was above reproach, and he will be sorely miss by the whole of this community, where he has lived ever since the war. Mr. Gayle leaves a wife and seven children, four boys and three girls. Funeral services will be conducted at the church tomorrow at 2:30 p.m., services by Mr. Kelly of the Methodist church, after which the Masons of this place, Angleton, Brazoria and elsewhere will take charge of the burial at the beautiful cemetery at West Columbia. All Confederate soldiers here will be in attendance.

Source: The Houston Daily Post, Houston, Texas, Wednesday, May 21, 1902; Pg. 6

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