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TX: E.G. Barnett (1846-1939), f/o Mrs. Lee Phillips

  • Mamie
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02 Oct 2012 18:15 #1108 by Mamie
E.G. Barnett of Bridgeport, Texas, was born on June 1, 1846, and died on March 21, 1939. Born in Hardin County, Tennessee, he came to Texas in 1855. He is survived by a son, T.L. Barnett of Paradise, Texas and a daughter, Mrs. Lee Phillips of Bridgeport. The funeral was held in the Bridgeport Methodist Church on March 22, 1939.

Source: Dallas Genealogical Society, Dallas, Texas, The Dallas Journal, Volume 56, October, 2010, Obituaries from The Southwestern Advocate, 1939; Pg. 79

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