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GA: Lydia Simpson, m/o Reuben Phillips, Ms. Ligon, Ms. Embry

  • Mamie
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14 Nov 2012 18:33 - 27 Nov 2012 12:56 #1127 by Mamie
Death of Mrs. Lydia Simpson

Mrs. Lydia Simpson, of Atlanta, died at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Ligon of that city Friday. Her remains passed through this city yesterday, en route to Harris county, where they will be interred in the family burying ground, a few miles above Hamilton, to-day. Mrs. Simpson was the mother of Mr. Reuben Phillips and Mrs. J. N. Embry, recently of this city, but now of Florida. She was about 75 years of age and was one of the early settlers of Harris county. She was a most excellent lady and has gone to reap that reward which awaits all the faithful.

Source: Columbus Sunday Enquirer, Columbus, Georgia, Sunday Morning, June 25, 1882; Pg. 3, Column 6

(1) Is this the Lydia Strozier who married Ambrose Phillips, 21 Nov. 1828, Wilkes Co. GA.?
(2) Is this the Lydia who md. Unknown Ralphry, Unknown date.?
(3) Is this the Lydia Ralphry who md. Robert Simpson, 7 Aug. 1858, Harris Co. GA.?

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