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1860: Mary A. Phillips, sp/o Jas. Phillips, Sr., of Pulaski Co. GA.

  • Mamie
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05 Jul 2013 12:21 #1251 by Mamie
Died, at her residence in Pulaski county, on the morning of the 26th ult., MRS. MARY ANN PHILLIPS, wife of James Phillips, sen., in the 73d year of her age. She was a native of Edgecomb county, N.C., was married in 1808, removed to Jones county, in this State, in 1811, remained there but a short time and removed to Pulaski county while it was yet inhabited by Indians, and encountered many of the trials and hardships of the early settlers.

In 1844 she followed her only son, James E. Phillips, to the grave-one in whom a mother’s joy and hope was concentrated-in whose destiny her very soul was wrapped, and whose memory dear, she never forgot; and long after the green turf had covered his final resting place, her soul loved to dwell upon scenes connected with his name.

In 1857 she followed her daughter, Mrs. E.M. A. Boothe, to her silent and solitary tomb; another loved one had departed, her cup of sorrow was full to overflowing; her afflictions seemed more than she could bear, but she murmured not, for she remembered the promise, that, He that sent affliction, would also send healing; He that caused the sorrow, would also send the consolation; that her loss was the gain of those dear departed ones. She leaves a sorrowing daughter and many grand-children to mourn their truly heartfelt loss-a loss to be felt but not described. She leaves a kind and devoted husband, with whom she has lived for more than half a century, enduring with him all the vicissitudes of life incident to the times through which they lived, and who also has outlived his three score years and ten, to meditate with sadness over his lonesome and solitary condition.

Truly a Mother in Israel has departed. All who knew her esteemed her for her many virtues, and admired the firmness and fortitude with which she bore up under the weight of sorrow and affliction. She ever sought comfort and consolation through that Saviour whom she had so devotedly followed for many years; and she never plead in vain- for “His ear was not deaf that He could not hear-neither was His arm shortened that He could not save.” During her last illness, which was severe and protracted, she expressed a great desire to see her “Saviour’s face and in His bosom rest.” She doubted not that her earthly pains, sorrows and afflictions would all end, and that she should reunite with those loved ones who had preceded her in their pilgrimage to Heaven.

Source: The Southern Recorder, Milledgeville, Georgia, Tuesday, March 13, 1860; Pg. 3, Column 5

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