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1998: Webster Phillips, s/o Festus B. Phillips, of Los Angeles Co. CA.

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06 Jul 2013 17:47 #1260 by Mamie
Webster Phillips, Hollywood Makeup Artist.
Webster Phillips, 83, a veteran Hollywood makeup artist for stars from John Barrymore to Ed Asner. Phillips was the last surviving member of a makeup artist family--father Festus Phillips who started during the silent film era and his three sons. Webster Phillips, a respected judge in the makeup division of the annual Academy Awards, in 1996 was recognized as "show biz man of the year" by the Southern California Motion Picture Council. Dubbed "the Miracle Man" by Greta Garbo, Phillips enhanced the looks of John Barrymore for "Romeo and Juliet," Clark Gable for "Mutiny on the Bounty," and the Marx Brothers for "A Night at the Opera." He also worked on more ambitious makeup for the cast of the film "Planet of the Apes." For the small screen, Phillips was head makeup artist for Asner's "Lou Grant" and other popular series. Also an inventor, Phillips developed a shaving device and a portable life-saving system for use in home fires. On Wednesday in Los Angeles of cancer.

Source: Los Angeles Times, Los Angeles, California, Tuesday, May 19, 1998

NOTE: Webster C. Phillips, b. 19 Feb 1915; d. 13 May 1998; s/o Festus Beauregard
Phillips and Nina Elizabeth Wilkinson.

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