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1916: NY - Mrs. Ellen A. (Griswold) Phillips, buried, Winsted, Connecticut

  • Mamie
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18 Oct 2014 19:29 #1517 by Mamie
Mrs. Ellen A. Phillips

Mrs. Ellen A. Phillips, 91 years old, died yesterday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Mary Phillips Mallory, at 648 St. Mark's avenue. She resided in Brooklyn for the past fifteen years and the earlier years of her life was spent in Winsted, Conn. She was prominent in educational work and at one time conducted a school of her own. She was one of the first pupils of Mary Lyon, the founder of Holyoke College. She is survived by a son, William D. Phillips; a daughter, Mrs. Mary Phillips Mallory; William C. Phillips, Donald Mallory, Mrs. Florence Mallory Gilbert, Miss Margaret Mallory and Grant Phillips, grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren. Interment will take place this afternoon at Winsted, Conn.

Source: The Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Brooklyn, New York, February 20, 1916; Pg. 2, Column 5

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