MRS. FRANCES ADELAIDE BEERS PHILLIPS, 50 years old of 989 Glenmore ave., wife of Mortimer J. Phillips, died suddenly of apoplexy on Monday. Mrs. Phillips was born in the 14th Ward, in this Eastern District, the daughter of the late Isaac Beers, a well known G. A. R. man, and Mrs. Phillips herself was a member of Brooklyn Circle, Ladies of the G. A. R. She was also for years a member of the South Second Street M.E. Church. She is survived, besides her husband, by two sons, Lewis H. and Nelson J. Phillips; two daughters, the Misses Florence L. and Marion B. Phillips; her mother, Mrs. Sarah Beers, and a brother, George A. Beers.
Source: The Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Brooklyn, New York, Thursday, June 12, 1919; Pg. 5, Column 1