Murder in Bryan County.
(Correspondence of the Morning News.)
BRYAN COUNTY, Ga., November 23, 1868
Editor's Morning News:
A most brutal and cold-blooded murder was committed on Saturday, the 21st inst., at Brannon's store, Bryan county, which has created a tremendous excitement among our people. The circumstances of the affair were these:
William Cone, a person well-known in Savannah, who was a conscript officer during the late war, has been living, for some time past, on a plantation owned by Hiram Roberts, Esq., of Savannah, situated at Wright's Bridge, Bulloch county. He made himself objectionable to residents of the neighborhodd in various way, and they wrote to Mr. Roberts, requesting that he would remove Cone from the place, and recommending Mr. Allen Phillips, a small farmer of Bulloch county, and a man respected in the community, as a worthy person to be placed in charge of the plantation. Mr. Roberts complied with the request, but Cone refused to leave; and since that time he has exhibited a great deal of ill-feeling toward Phillips.
On Saturday last Phillips was standing in the store of Mr. Brannon, when Cone came in, walked up to him, and, without a word, felled him to the ground with a club. The blow caused a terrible fracture of the skull, from the effects of which Phillips died, about twelve hours after the occurence. Cone immediately fled, and is still at large.
Mr. Phillips was a very worthy farmer, well-known, and of good position in the community. He leaves a wife and six small children, who were entirely dependent upon his industry for support. The citizens of Bulloch county are in hopes that the Governor will offer a liberal reward for the apprehension of the murderer, that he may be captured and brought to justice.
On Sunday William A. Brennon, Esq., acting Coronor, summoned a jury, composed of the following well-known citizens: Curtis S. Martin, John G. Slater, Seaborn M. Cowart, Abner A. Fudge, Joseph Glisson, and John C. Davis. Dr. W.T. McConnell examined the wound and after hearing the testimony of several witnesses the jury returned a verdict that the deceased came to his death at the hands of William A. Cone, and that said Cone is guilty of murder.
No intelligence as to Cone's whereabouts has been received; but it is hoped that the proper steps may be taken to secure his early arrest and punishment, for a deed which is regarded with horror by all classes of people.
Source: Savannah Morning News, Savannah, Georgia, Wednesday, November 25, 1868; Pg. 2, Column 2
NOTE: Allen Phillips married, 1 Oct. 1852, Sarah Ketchen/Keleher?, Bulloch Co. GA.