OFFICERS KILLED.-At Eufaula last Saturday night Deputy Marshal John Phillips and his posse, in attempting to arrest some whisky peddlers were both killed. The report says the shooting begun by Phillips killing an Indian in attempting to arrest him and that a brother in turn killed the marshal and posse. He afterwards attempted to kill a man named McIntosh, accusing him of piloting the officers to the gathering, a green corn dance. Phillips was an officer who has made a great many arrests and been very successful in the southern part of this territory, among a clan who are by no means the most lamblike and docile in the world.
Source: Indian Chieftain, Vinita, Indian Territory, Thursday, July 5, 1888; Pg. 3, Column
DURING the past year no less than seventeen Deputy United States Marshals have been shot and killed in the Creek Nation, Indian Territory. Of these three were killed last week, John Phillips, Hector Thomas and John Trammel.
Source: Indian Chieftain, Vinita, Indian Territory, Thursday, July 12, 1888; Pg. 1, Column 5