Death of David Phillips.-David Phillips died at San Rafael, California, last Sunday, at the age of 45 years. Mr. Phillips will be remembered by pioneers in the Sound country, as well as by merchants of the Coast generally. He was the son of D. L. Phillips, formerly of Olympia, afterwards of Seattle and later of San Francisco. In early times, he with his father and D. Horton, conducted an extensive merchandise business in Olympia, under the firm name of Phillips, Horton & Co. Mr. Horton withdrew subsequently, when a new firm was organized with George A. Barnes as a member. D. L. Phillips, the father, afterwards came to Seattle and began banking with Mr. Horton as Phillips & Horton, but finally went to San Francisco, where he died six years ago. David Phillips also went to the city, and became a partner in the firm of Phillips, Taber & Co., from which he retired three years ago worth at least half a million dollars, the firm being suceeded by Taber, Harker & Co. David Phillips made his home in San Rafael for three years on account of its sanitary advantages, but these were not sufficient to long keep off the destroyer of his family - consumption - from which he, his two sisters and father have died in so short a time, one sister being the wife of Samuel Williams of Olympia, until her death two or three years ago. Mr. Phillips married an Olympia girl, who is a confirmed invalid, and compelled to live in Denver on account of her health. They have six children. All the Phillips family who lived on the Sound twenty years ago are now dead, with one exception-the youngest, William.
Source: Seattle Daily Post-Intelligencer, Seattle, Washington, Friday, February 16, 1883; Pg. 2, Column 2