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Colonel Jefferson C. Phillips (1821-1910), of Hampton, VA.

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14 Jun 2016 17:58 - 04 Sep 2016 11:20 #1676 by Mamie

Confederate Officer, Who Burned Town of Hampton. Lies Desperately Ill.

Colonel J. C. Phillips, who commanded the Thirteenth Virginia during the Civil war, and burned the town of Hampton under orders from General Magruder, is desperately ill with cancer at his home, about three miles from llampton. The attending physicians expect the death of the brave Confederate officer to occur at most any moment and members of his family remain at his bedside.

Colonel Phillips is 89 years old and until a few months back was an active farmer. He is widely known throughout the county and highly esteemed.

When the Civil war broke out Colonel Phillips left Hampton as captain of Old Dominion Dragoons, but soon received promotions until he became colonel commanding the Thirteenth Virginia. He was ordered to come to Hampton and burn the town by General .Magntder who know tbat the town would soon be taken by the federal troops.

Source: Daily Press, Newport News, Virginia, Sunday, June 5, 1910; Pg. 4, Column 2


Confederate Veteran Answers Final Roll Call at the Home of His Daughter.

Colonel Jefferson C. Phillips, 89 years old, a prominent farmer and Confederate veteran, died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. G. M. Phillips, near Hampton, at 8 o'clock yesterday morning. He had been ill several months and for the past week his death was expected by members of his family. The funeral services will occur from Mrs. Phillips' home this afternoon at 3 o'clock and the burial will be made in the family burying ground on Samuel W. Phillips' farm, "Willowville."

Colonel Phillips was born in Elizabeth City county, September 30, 1821. When the Civil war started he entered the Confederate service as captainof the famous Old Dominion Dragoons cavalry and was later made major of the Third Virginia and later advanced to colonel of the Thirteenth Virginia regiment. He served with great distinction throughout the war. In 1861 General Magruder detailed Colonel Phillips to burn the city of Hampton rather than permit the federal troops to take the village. Colonel Phillips on this occasion, had with him the Old Dominion Dragoons, Warwick Beuaregards, Mecklenberg Cavalry and York Rangers. From that time on Colonel Phillips played an important part in the Confederate service.

At the close of the war Colonel Phillips returned here and took up the pursuits of a farmer, of which he has since made a success.

He is survived by two children - Curl Phillips and Mrs. G. M. Phillips, and a number of grandchildren. Mrs. George M. Peek and Mr. V. P. Holt are his niece and nephew, while Clerk of the Courts, Harry H. Holt is a grand-nephew.

Source: The Daily Press, Newport News, Virginia, Tuesday, June 7, 1910; Pg. 5 , Column 2

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14 Jun 2016 18:04 #1677 by Mamie
Colonel Jefferson C. Phillips' obituary states he was survived by one son, Curle Phillips. The spelling of the name of this son was changed by adding an "e" to the name, in order to be able to sucessfully post it on this forum.

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04 Sep 2016 11:21 #1745 by rwphillips
Hi Mamie, I have finally solved this issue and corrected the spelling of Curle to Curl Phillips. Sorry it took so long. :(


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