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Mrs. Bessie Phillips, of Baltimore, MD, widow of Aquilla Phillips

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07 Jul 2016 12:26 #1700 by Mamie
Mrs. Bessie Phillips Given Last Rites at Orchard Church

Mrs. Bessie Franklin Phillips, 61, mother of Dr. G. Franklin Phillips, physician, was given fnal rites today (Friday), at Orchard St. Methodist Church, with the Rev. J. J. Barnes, pastor, officiating.

He was assisted by the Revs. E. Adolph Haynes and Albert Holbrook. Burial followed in Arbutus Memorial Park.

Ill for the past four months, Mrs. Phillips died on Monday at her home, 2100 Madison Ave.

She was the daughter of Mrs. Alice Smith, who survives her, and the late George Franklin. Mrs. Phillips was born in Towson, Baltimore County, and attended the public schools there.

Headed Sunday School.
Active first in the Methodist Church in Mt. Washington, she later transferred her membership to the Orchard St. Methodist Church where she was for 17 years superintendent of the Sunday School.

Mrs. Phillips was one of the organizers of the Interdenominational Nursery School conducted at the church; a member of the stewardess board and the Women's Society of Christian Service. She also was a member of the Metropolitan Council, the local affiliation of the National Council of Negro Women.

Her husband, Aquilla Phillips, died 18 months ago.

In addition to her mother and Dr. Phillips, Mrs. Phillips is survived by two other sons and a daughter, Thomas and Robert Phillips; and Mrs. Gladys Hughes, all of Baltimore; four sisters, a brother and four grandchildren.

Source: Baltimore-Alfro American, Baltimore, Baltimore, Maryland, September 10, 1949; Pg. 6, Columns 2 & 3

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