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1894: Mrs. Francer Mercer, mother of Mrs. Monroe Phillips, of Georgia

  • Mamie
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08 Jul 2016 13:29 #1707 by Mamie
In the new cemetery at Hillsboro a fresh grave tells the sad tale that another household has been robbed of its treasure. On the morning of the 2nd inst., at the house of her daughter, Mrs. Monroe Phillips, Mrs. Frances Mercer breathed her last surrounded by loving children and friends. For several weeks she was afflicted with pneumonia, and, although given every possible attention by physicians and loved ones, was unable to stay the grim monster. In early life she united with the Presbyterian church, and by her lovely christian character and generous spirit, endeared herself to all who knew her.

On the following day a number of relatives and friends accompanied the remains to Hillsboro where the funeral services were conducted by Rev. J. M. Plowden.

Source: Jasper County News, Monticello, Georgia, Thursday, December 6, 1894; Pg. 3, Column 3

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