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Capt. Wm. Thos. Phillips, aged 79, of Plymouth & Wellfleet, Mass.

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30 Aug 2016 08:45 #1738 by Mamie
Death of Capt. Phillips
Capt. William Thomas Phillips died Sunday noon at his home after a brief illness, aged 79 years. He is survived by a widow, who was Mrs. Sarah (Bell) Rich before her marriage to Capt. Phillips. Until several years ago they had resided for some years in Plymouth, but moved here and purchased the house owned by Mr. Henry A. Holbrook, just off Holbrook avenue, on Neck road, where they have lived quietly and happily until his passing away.

Capt. Phillips was a member of Mayflower Lodge, I. O. O. F., of Plymouth, also a Thirty-Second Degree Mason.

His funeral services were conducted today (Tuesday) at 2:30 p.m., from his late residence, and were in charge of Rev. J. N. Patterson; officers of the Odd Fellows Lodge of Orleans were present.

Much sympathy is expressed for the widow who is in very poor health at present.

Source: Chatham Monitor, Chatham, Massachusetts, Tuesday, May 24, 1921; Pg. 3, Column 7

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