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1893: John R. Kimball, sp/o Clara A. Phillips

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08 Jan 2011 21:05 #196 by Mamie
Medical Class of 1869.

John Robinson Kimball, son of Jonathan and Pamelia K. Kimball, was bor n 28 December, 18-14, at Pembroke, N. H. He received an academic education at Hebron Academy, began the study of medicine with Dr. B. H. Phillips (M.D., Bowdoin,1841), and attended three courses of lectures at the Medical School of Maine, where he received his degree in 1869. He immediately settled and began the practice of his profession at Antrim, N. H., where he remained four years. In 1873 he removed to Suncook, N. H., continuing in active and successful practice until his death, which occurred 8 January, 1893, from pneumonia. He was a fellow of the New Hampshire Medical Association, and served on its executive committee. He was a member of the New Hampshire Historical Society and much interested in local history. He had acted several years as town clerk and a member of the school board.

Dr. Kimball married, 12 June, 1872, Clara Augusta, daughter of Butler H. and Huldah P. (Woodard) Phillips, who survives with two daughters.

Source: Obituary Record of the Graduates of Bowdoin College and the Medical School of Maine, by Bowdoin College, For the Decade Ending 1 June 1899, Brunswick, Maine, 1899; Pgs. 155-156

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