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1917: Phoebe (Lee) Greene Philips, b. 1842; d. NY

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09 Feb 2011 18:44 #235 by Mamie

Philips.—Phoebe Lee Philips, the daughter of Benjamin and Polly Sweet Lee. was born April 9, 1842, and died at her home in Adams Center, N. Y., April 1, 1917. On August 3, 1861, she was united in marriage to Homer Greene, with whom she lived until about twenty-two years later, when death called him to the other world. To this union two children were born, but neither lived to grow up. On October 30, 1882, she was married to Nelson Philips, whom she leaves to mourn her loss. In early life she was baptized by Rev. James Summerbell and united with the Adams Center Seventh Day Baptist Church where she remained a faithful member. For years she was a sufferer and for the last few years was confined to her home. Through it all she was faithful in her trust in her Master and patiently waited and longed for the time to come when she would be called to the home beyond. Besides her husband she leaves one nephew, several cousins and many friends to mourn her loss.

Funeral services were held in her home conducted by her pastor, after which she was laid to rest in the Adams Center Union Cemetery.

Source: The Sabbath Recorder, American Sabbath Tract Society, Plainville, New Jersey, Vol. 82, No. l, published by George B. Utter, 1917; Pg. 511

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