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1890: Miss Ella Phillips, of Pittsburg

  • Mamie
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12 Feb 2011 13:16 #256 by Mamie

BETHANY, February 7.-A sad accident occurred at Bethany on Friday evening, resulting in the death of Miss Ella Phillips, of Pittsburg, a lady student at the College. A party of four were out target shooting with revolvers when, through some accidental discharge of a firearm in the hands of one of the male students, Miss Phillips was shot through the bowels, and though not considered dangerously hurt at the time, she died this morning at 6 o'clock. Drs. Shaver and Cox attended her, and it was thought at 8 o'clock last evening the patient might possibly recover, but the deadly path of the bullet had been too far reaching and distructive in its course and was beyond the power of human aid to amend.

The affair has cast a gloom over the whole communtiy, and the sorrow which shrouds the College is particularly marked.

Source: The Athens Weekly Banner, Athens, Georgia, Tuesday Morning, February 11, 1890; Pg. 2, Column 4

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