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1906: Hugh Phillips, of Matagorda Co. TX

  • Mamie
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12 Mar 2011 22:39 #348 by Mamie

Hugh Phillips of Bay City Was Electrocuted in Houston.

Houston, Tex., Nov. 17.-A sad accident occurred last night in this city in which Mr. Hugh Phillips, a prominent rice planter of Matagorda county, lost his life through coming in contact with a live wire, and Mr. Johnnie Thompson, a friend of his, received a severe shock but was not injured fatally. Mr. Phillips and Mr. Thompson were walking along Chartres street and it would seem from the evidence given by Mr. Thompson at the inquest that they walked into a fallen telephone wire. Mr. Thompson was knocked insensible, and on recovery went to the fire engine house and asked that a policeman be sent for, as something had happened to his friend. When the officer arrived he found Mr. Phillips on the street grasping in his hand the wire. A number of Bay City and Matagorda county people were in the city and a gloom was cast over them that cut short their engagement. Mr. Phillips had just come in on the afternoon train to spent a few days at the carnival. A wife and three children remain at Bay City. He was a successful rice planter.

Source: The Shiner Gazette, Shiner, Texas, Wednesday, November 21, 1906; Pg. 6

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