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1897: George Phillips, b. 1826 CT.; d. TX.

  • Mamie
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25 Mar 2011 16:30 #380 by Mamie
Sketch of George Phillips.

Corsicana, Tex., Sept. 4.-George Phillips, for nearly a quarter of a century one of the most prominent and respected citizens of Corsicana, died about 4 o’clock yesterday afternoon after a painful illness, at his home in East Corsicana. During the entire time of his residence here Mr. Phillips held the position of car inspector and repairer for the Houston and Texas Central railroad and enjoyed the fullest confidence and esteem of his employers and associates.

He was a native of Williamantic, Conn., where he was born on the 13th of August, 1826. He was left an orphan at the age of 13 years and had to fight life’s battles unaided by the tender care and loving watchfulness of parents. He learned the millwright’s trade and was recognized throughout his life as one of the most expert and finished machinist in the service. He first came to Texas in 1854, but after remaining here three years, returned to Mississippi. Later he moved to Selma, Ala., where he lived during the war. He enlisted in the confederate service, but on account of his experience as a machinist, was assigned to duty as superintendent of the arsenal at Selma, where a great many caissions and other implements of war were turned out.

At the close of the war Mr. Phillips returned to Connecticut, but after remaining nine months concluded to return to the south and moved to New Orleans, where he resided for about a year and then moved to Texas, locating in Grimes county near Anderson. In 1876 he came to Corsicana in the employ of the Houston and Texas Central road as car inspector and retained the position up to the hour of his death.

His sterling qualities as a citizen were soon recognized and he became an active factor of the progress and improvement of the city of his adoption. He always took an active interest in school affairs and when he was elected to the council in 1885 he was made chairman of the building committee in which capacity he looked after the erection of all but one of the handsome school buildings that mark the progress of the city in educational matters. He served in the council under the administration of Mayor C.H. Allyn and had charge of the care of the school buildings as well as their construction. He leaves a family, consisting of a wife and two children, two daughters and one son, all grown. One son, Victor, died some years ago, and the other, Royal, lives at Tyler, and reached here yesterday afternoon with his wife and baby just an hour after his father’s death.

Mr. Phillips joined Christ Episcopal church at Houston many years ago and continued a consistent Christian to the end, acting as vestryman for St. John’s Episcopal church of this city for many years.

His funeral took place from St. John’s church at 4:30 o’clock this afternoon and was largely attended by all classes of citizens and members of the orders to which he belonged.

Source: The Dallas Morning News, Sunday, September 5, 1897; Pg. 3

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