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1942: Grace (McDonald) Phillips, Md.&Div. W.A. Phillips

  • Mamie
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04 May 2011 15:01 #514 by Mamie
Grace McDonald Phillips.
Born November 2, 1887, at Billings, Montana, Mrs. Phillips was the daughter of Thomas P. McDonald and of Marie A. Campbell McDonald, who now reside at Roswell, New Mexico.

Grace McDonald Phillips attended Annie Wright Seminary for six years, being graduated from her high school work there in 1906. She attended Wellesley College from 1906 to 1910, being graduated with an A. B. degree. In June 1916 she was graduated from the Law Department of the University of Washington and immediately became associated with the law firm of Grinstead & Laube, later becoming a partner in the firm.

On January 1, 1920, she opened an office in New Castle, Wyoming, and thereafter specialized in oil, land titles and probate matters. In 1923, she moved to Casper, Wyoming, to open a law office and continued her practice there until the year 1926 when she moved to Roswell, New Mexico.

While living in Casper, Wyoming, she was married on November, 1924, to W. A. Phillips from whom she was subsequently divorced. Of this marriage there were no

In Roswell she had been a charter member of the Business & Professional Women's Club and served as president for three or four years. For years she had been a member of the Roswell Woman's Club and served as president of the club for one year. For several years she was secretary of the Chaves County Bar Association until she became its president, 1935-1936. She was a member of the Protestant Episcopal church. She was also active
in Republican party affairs.

Mrs. Phillips was a close student of law, especially with reference to oil and gas while practicing in Roswell, and had established a substantial business in that line at the time of
her death.

Mrs. Phillips died after long illness, dating back to September 1940, for which she underwent a major operation in San Francisco. Death took place in St. Mary's Hospital
at Roswell, on June 13, 1942. Funeral services were held on Sunday afternoon, June 15, the Rev. Henry H. Heard, rector of St. Andrews Episcopal church, officiating.
-P. A. F. W.

Source: New Mexico Historical Review, Volume XVIII, by Lansing Bartlett Bloom, Paul Alfred Francis Walter, published by The Historical Society of New Mexico, 1943; Pgs. 108-109

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