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1858: Wm. S. Buckley, M.D., of NY; s-i-l of M.G. Phillips

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05 May 2011 16:42 #520 by Mamie
Buckley, William S., M. D., Petersburg, Rensselaer Co., N. Y., Nov. 6, age 31, at the residence of M. G. Phillips, his father-in-law. The deceased, though an invalid, and coming but recently to these parts, had become extensively known and highly respected, and his death is greatly lamented by all. He was, from his mental powers and the culture he had given them, and from his indomitable energy and activity, a man of more than ordinary promise in his profession.

Source: Annual Obituary Notices Of Eminent Persons, Who Have Died In The United States, for 1858, Volume I, by Hon. Nathan Crosby, published by John P. Jewett & Company, Boston, 1859; Pg. 48

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