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1864: John Phillips, age 14; Tennessee

  • Mamie
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24 Jul 2011 17:26 #660 by Mamie
November 22, 1864 - "Juvenile Precocity"
Last night Coroner Coleman was called upon to hold an inquest upon the body
of John Phillips, aged 14 years, who was killed about 7 o'clock last night by
Oliver Morton, aged 12 years, a son of Dr. Morton. From what we can learn on
the subject, some person had stolen some cigars from the Commercial Hotel,
and John Phillips accused Oliver of taking them, calling him a "d____d
thieving son of a _____," at which Oliver drew his pistol, and shot John, the
ball taking effect in the lower part of the breast bone, passing through the
lungs, and lodging in the back, causing death in a few minutes. A verdict in
accordance with the above facts was rendered.
Nashville Dispatch, November 23, 1864.

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