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George Albert Phillips, b. 1844 England; d. 1917 Iowa

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17 Sep 2011 23:18 #735 by Mamie
Last week we gave a short account of the death of G.A. Phillips, which occurred Friday morning from acute heart trouble, following a few days of slight illness.

The funeral was held Sunday morning at St. Patrick’s Catholic church, the services being conducted by the pastor, Rev. Father Richard Dollard. Interment was made in Calvary cemetery beside his wife who died April 14, 1914.

George Albert Phillips was born in Glouchestershire, England, November 15, 1844, and was aged 73 years, 2 months and 4 days. He came to American when 21 years of age at LaSalle, Ill. He was married to Miss Sarah Packer of Ottawa, Ill., in the year 1870, and four children were born to them, three sons and one daughter, the latter, Susie, dying in infancy. The sons are Will, Fred and Charlie of this locality. The wife and mother died December 16, 1879, and in 1886 the father came to this county with his three sons. He was married to Mrs. Lenora (Mehan) Tittle, in 1895 and they resided on a farm until moving to Corning about ten years ago.

Mr. Phillips was a genial old gentleman and was well respected in the county and town and especially in his immediate neighborhood where he lived. He took great pride in his gardening and each neighbor always enjoyed with him the first early vegetables of his growing each year. Especially was he a great lover of flowers and always had choice blossome for the children of the neighborhood of whom he was very fond.

Besides his three sons he leaves six grandchildren, and the following near relatives: H.J. Phillips, Samuel Phillips, two brothers, also a niece, Miss Leona Phillips all of Centerville, and a nephew, Isaac Wren of LaSalle, Ill., all of whom were in attendance at his funeral.

Source: The Free Press, Corning, Iowa, Saturday, January 27, 1917

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