Do you have an obituary for a Phillips or one where a Phillips is mentioned and want to share it? Perhaps you discovered an old obituary that mentioned your Phillips ancestor. If you are a registered user of this website and forum, please feel free to share them here! If you have another type of record, such as a Bible record or a deed? Just let the administrator know and we will create a category for it.
PHILLIPS DONNA passed away peacefully on 23rd October 2010 aged 47 years. She will be sadly missed by all her family and friends.
Funeral service to be held at Tunbridge Wells Crematorium on Monday 8th November at 12 noon. Family flowers only but donations
if desired to RSPCA or BBC Children in Need may be sent c/o Cooper & Son Funeral Directors, 42 High Street, Lewes BN7 2DD. Tel: 01273 475557