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PHILLIPS - Allen Co. Indiana Church Burial Records

  • Mamie
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20 Dec 2011 16:12 #857 by Mamie
Allen County, Indiana Church Burial Records.

Philips Joannis - 15 --- 1844 - 6m, s/o William Philips and Marie Dea. - Cathedral
Phillips Ber. - 28 Oct 1876 - b. Germany, 64y. - Cathedral
Phillips Catherine - 8 Feb 1884 - b. Ireland, 50y. - Cathedral
Phillips Elizabeth - 04 Apr 1880 - b. Ireland, 55y. - Cathedral
Phillips Jane - 11 Nov 1881 - (none) - Cathedral
Phillips John - 12 Nov 1882 - b. Fort Wayne, 32y. - Cathedral
Phillips Michael - 28 Aug 1877 - b. Ireland, 54y. - Cathedral

Source: Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception Church, Fort Wayne, Indiana; abstracted by Margery M. Graham

NOTE: The first burial record was in 1834 and that was the only one for that year. There were no burial records for 1835 and 1836. Records begin in 1837 and run through 1849. There were no burial records for 1850, 1851, 1852. Records begin again in 1853 through 1855. There were no burial records for 1856 through 1873. It is reported that a fire in 1873 caused this loss. Records begin again in 1874 continue here through 1885.

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