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1896: Capt. Bruce S. Phillips, b. TN; d. TX.

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10 Apr 2012 01:52 #966 by Mamie
Death of Bruce S. Phillips.
Bruce S. Phillips died in this city yesterday in the 58th year of his age. Deceased was born in Montgomery, Tenn., and up to the breaking out of the late civil war was engaged in the manufacture of iron. At the opening of hostilities, he became first lieutenant of Capt. Lowe’s company, Fourteenth Tennessee Regiment, subsequently captain, and for many months was in command of the regiment. He served in Longstreet’s corps, and participated in all the great Virginia battles also in the celebrated battle of Gettysburg. At Chancellorsville he was severely wounded. After the war he returned to the State of his birth and engaged in steamboating on the Tennessee and Mississippi rivers.

About twenty years ago he settled in Brazoria county, where he served for several terms as assessor of taxes and county clerk.

About three years ago he moved to this city with a view of opening a land agency and he had to abandon all business.

As a soldier he was noted for his courage, coolness and endurance, and this same spirit manifested itself throughout his lingering sickness and in the hour of his death.

As a friend Captain Phillips was as true as steel; as a father and husband, faithful, kind, gentle, affectionate and deeply concerned.

His life was an eventful one, but in all its mutations, in war and peace, in sickness and health, in prosperity and gloom, he was every inch a man, grand, noble and just.

He died a member of the Masonic lodge of Columbia, Brazoria county, Texas.

The remains are being held awaiting instructions from his relatives in Tennessee.

Source: The Houston Daily Post, Houston, Texas, Tuesday Morning, December 1, 1896; Pg. 8

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