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  • Mamie
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19 Dec 2010 15:16 #135 by Mamie
CAMP - PHILLIPS FAMILY was created by Mamie

Hiram Warner (Judge) Camp born March 19, 1843, Coweta county, Georgia. (For genealogy see "Camp-Reynolds Family" page), married December 19, 1867, Frances A. Phillips, born June 22, 1843 (daughter of James S. Phillips, born November 17, 1799, married May 26, 1824, Elcy Phillips born June 4, 1807; granddaughter of William D. Phillips, born January 20. 1763, married August 26, 1796, Mary Spratlin born April 28, 1776, and of Elijah Phillips and his wife Tilothy ______? Phillips, married May 15, 1805), children:

1. James Phillips Camp, born November 23, 1868, (married Katherine Barnett having children: Bessie (married Fred D. Jeter, children: Katherine, Jamella, Mildred Carpenter, James Phillips Camp Jeter).

2. Berta Peninah Camp, born January 2, 1870, married Luther M. Farmer, children: Frances Farmer (married John Trapnell, children: Margaret Trapnell, Harriet Trapnell); Harriet Farmer married Collins Knight, children: Frances Knight, Collins Knight, Jr.

3. Lou Glanton Camp (see Brannon-Camp Family).

4. Elsie May died.

5. Hiram Abner Camp, born June 30, 1874, married Ellen Zellars, died 1917.

6. John Warner Camp, born Nov. 12, 1879, married Mildred Carpenter, died 1913.

7. E.M. (Jack) Camp, born Feb. 7, 1880, married Mittie Mayfield, children: H.W. Camp, (married Turnipseed of Birmingham, Ala.), E. Marvin Camp, Jr., (married Wanita Herdman of New York, child, E.M. Camp, III), Duke Camp.

8. Vivia and 9. Robert Davis, died in infancy.

10. Henry Leon Camp, born June 18, 1887, married Seba Darden, children: Henry L., Jr., died in infancy, Pascal Camp, Jack Tarpley Camp, Henry Lee Camp, Ruby Carolyn Camp, Frances Phillips Camp.

H.W. Camp was a pillar in the Moreland Methodist church, South, both in paying and praying, serving her all in all the lay offices - including attendance as her delegate to the General Conference. (For Confederate service and his part as a citizen see his name in the index.)

Source: Coweta Chronicles, by Mary G. Jones and Lily Reynolds, published by Southern Historical Press, % The Rev. Emmett Lucas, Jr., Easley, S.C.; Pgs. 796-797

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