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Davis-Phillips Bible Record, of Wayne Co. TN.

  • Mamie
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29 Dec 2010 11:33 #159 by Mamie
Davis-Phillips Bible Record

(Taken from Wayne County Historian, Vol. 4, No. 1 - March 1991, page 022)
Contributed by Mrs. Sterlin (Nadine) REEVES, Rt. 1, Box 138A, Iron City, TN. 38463.
Mrs. REEVES stated that she did not know the relationship between the DAVIS and the PHILLIPS families. The Bible is in good condition, but the title page was not copied. The Bible also has several pages of old photographs, none of which can be identified.

Title Page: (missing) New Testament Title Page: The/New Testament/Of our/Lord and Savior Jesus Christ/translated out of/the Original Greek;/and with the/former translations deligently compared and revised.

Page 1
This certifies that the rite of Holy Matrimony was celebrated between Jesse L.(T.) DAVIS of Wayne Co. TN and Martha E. WILBANKS of Wayne Co., TN., on 16 Aug 1877 at Shawnette Church by Rev. S.T. SMITH of M.E. Church. Witness Swain DANLEY Witness Tennessee BRYSON. (at the bottom of this page is the following printed notation: Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1875, by J.R. Jones, in the office of the Librarian of Congress, Washington, D.C.)

Page 2
Jessee T. DAVIS and Martha E. WILLBANKS was Aug 16 1877 united in marriage by Rev. S.T. SMITH (This entry has been marked out)
William D. PHILLIPS and Emma D. PHILLIPS was married 28 Dec 1891
Dallas P. BROMLEY and Lallie R. PHILLIPS was married Aug 17, 1921
Mary GOODMAN and Fred PHILLIPS was married Nov. 6, 1919
Bonnie A. PHILLIPS and George H. OLIVE was married March 30, 1924.

Page 3
Jesse Thomas DAVIS was born Oct. 10, 1857
Martha Ellenor DAVIS was born February 2, 1852
William Burdett DAVIS was born Aug. 24, 1879
Ada E. DAVIS was born Aug. 1st, 1881
Mary I.J. DAVIS was born June 15, 1885
Bonnie A. PHILLIPS was born Dec the 11, 1901
Gladies M. PHILLIPS was born Jan 6 1905
George H. OLIVE was born Jan. 6, 1903

Page 4
William Burdett DAVIS departed this life March 3rd 1884 (crossed out)
Willie D. PHILLIPS was born June 30, 1871
Emma D. PHILLIPS was born 16 January 1870
Annie L. PHILLIPS was born 22 January 1893
Lula R. PHILLIPS was born 13 October 1896
Fredie L. PHILLIPS was born 27 October 1898
W.W. HANNAH was born January 22, 1910
Conrad Eugene HANNAH was born September 1, 1912

Page 5
William WILLBANKS departed this life Jan 1873
Susannah WILLBANKS departed this life Feb 15, 1875
Annie L. HANNAH departed this life Jan. the 19, 1915
Emma D. PHILLIPS departed this life 14 June 1919
William D. PHILLIPS departed this life 24 August 1946.
Freddie L. PHILLIPS departed 11 Sept. 1961

Blank Sheet Before Record Pages
Annie L. HANNAH was borned Jan the 22 1893
Oscar F. HANNAH was borned April the 22 1884
William M. HANNAH was borned Septh 1 1912
William Dallas BROMLEY was born July 12, 1922
W.D. BROMLEY and Coral HOLT was married Dec. 20-1949.
Shelia Dianne BROMLEY was born Oct. 16, 1950
Dallas BROMLEY was born July 4, 1893.
Gragory Wade BROMLEY was born Mach 5, 1954.
Stanley BROMLEY was born July 19, 1958.

Source: Family Bible Records, Wayne County, Tennessee, Wayne County Historical Society,
published by Turner Publishing Company, Paducah, KY., 2002; Pgs. 24-55

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