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Jefferson Curle Phllips to Catherine Schmetz, 1917, VA.

  • Mamie
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14 Jun 2016 18:50 #1688 by Mamie
Phillips - Schmelz

One of the most interesting social events of the season was the marriage of Miss Catherine Schmelz and Jefferson Curle Phillips, of Elizabeth City County, Thursday evening at 8 o'clock in St. John's Episcopal Church, Hampton. The ceremony was performed by Rev. J. T. Hayley, pastor of -the Memorial Baptist Church. The historic old church was elaborately and artistically decorated in white and green, the lovely pink frocks of the bridesmaids lending the one touch of color. The maid of honor was Miss Anna Phillips, of Pencacola. Fla. Her frock was of green organdy, and she carried a shower bouquet of pink sweet peas. The best man was Nelson Smith, of Newport News. The bridesmaids were Misses Dorothy and Anne Booker, Virginia Mason. Page Sclater, Elizabeth Hudgins and Alice Parmour, who wore lovely frocks of pink organdy, trimmed with green radium cloth and carried bouquets of astors and asparagus ferns. A novel feature of their costume was the charming little veil of pink tulle. The groomsmen Included Carroll Phillips, Jack Sinclair. Ben Moomaw. of this city; Clarence Moomaw, Lucian H. Cocke, Jr., and Allen Gibbons. The bride entered the church on the arm of her guardian, Colonel Nelson S. Groome, who gave her away. She was gowned in Ivory satin made with a court train and embroidered in sliver. Her veil of tulle was caught in place by orange blossoms and pearls, and she carried a shower bouquet of Bride roses. A musical program was rendered by Mrs. Charles Eppes, of Newport News. After the ceremony a beautiful reception was given by Mrs. Henry Lane Schmelz at "Eimwood," where the color scheme of green and white and pink was repeated. Among the out-of-town guests were Mrs. C. T. Phillips and Carroll Phillips, of Norge; Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Irwin Williams and Benjamin Moomaw, of Richmond; Dr. Mary Moomaw, of New York City; Clarence Moomaw, of Washington; Sam Moomaw of London; Lucian II. Cocke, Jr., and Allen Gibbon, of Roanoke. After several weeks In the mountains of Virginia, Mr. and Mrs. Phillips will live at his home, near Hampton.

Source: Richmond Times-Dispatch, Richmond, Virginia, Sunday, July 29, 1917; Pg. 4, Column 1

NOTE: The spelling of the middle name of the groom has been changed by adding an "e" in order to post this successfully to this forum. He is the son of Colonel Jefferson C. Phillips, Sr. (see post in OBITUARIES).

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