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Miss Carrie Phillips Weds Capt. Randolph Carter Berkeley

  • Mamie
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03 Mar 2011 16:31 #319 by Mamie

Shepherdstown, W. Va., Sept. 12, 1906.—One of the most brilliant weddings ever witnessed in Shepherdstown occurred to-night, when Capt. Randolph Carter Berkeley, of the United States Marine Corps, and Miss Carrie Phillips, only daughter of Pay Inspector and Mrs. J. S. Phillips, were united in marriage. The ceremony was performed by Rev. C. E. A. Marshall, in Trinity Episcopal Church, which was filled with a large and fashionable assemblage.

The best man was Capt. A. E. Harding, aid to the President, and the ushers were Dr. Richard Blackburn, of Washington; Lieut. Russell B. Putnam, Capt. Henry Davis, Paymaster W. H. Dougherty and Paymaster D. M. Addison, of the navy, and Messrs. William Muzzey and Lawrence Lee and David Leman, of this place. The maid of honor was Miss Harriet Tilghman, of Norfolk, Va.; and the bridesmaids were Misses Janet Berkeley, of Staunton, Va.; L. E. Hanna, of Washington; Marie Muzzey, of Philadelphia; N. C. Williams, L. Turner, E. Butler. E. L. Potts and Virginia Van S. Reinhart, of Shepherdstown. The ribbon-bearers were Grace Darling Chapline and Joseph A. Chapline. The maid of honor was gowned in blue radium silk, while the bridesmaids wore handsome dresses of white organdie and lace over blue taffeta. The bride wore a beautiful gown of white satin, with duehesse and rose point lace, with bridal veil, and carried Bride roses, as did her attendants. The ushers in the military service wore the full-dressed uniforms of their respective corps, the others wearing dress suits.

The scene as the bridal party entered the church and grouped around the chancel was strikingly beautiful. The processional music was the wedding march from "Lohengrin," while the recessional was Mendelssohn's "Wedding March." The bride was given in marriage by her uncle, Pay Director Mitchell McDonald, of the United States Navy. Her father, Pay Inspector Phillips, was unable to attend the wedding localise of his duties as a special representative of the State Department at Monte Christi. Santo Domingo, the present revolution in that country rendering it imperative that he should be at his post there.

Immediately after the wedding a reception was held at the home of the bride. Thompson's Orchestra, of Martinsburg, rendered music during the evening, and later the younger set were entertained at dancing. The bridal party left for a trip East.

This marriage unites two of the oldest families of Virginia. The bride's ancestors came to Virginia in 1607 and 1610 and the groom's in 1618, all having settled at Jamestown. Captain Berkeley is a son of the late Dr. Carter Berkeley and his wife. Lovie Gilkeson, of Staunton, and a grandson of Dr. Edmund Berkeley and his wife, Mary Randolph Spottswood Brooke, the daughter of Judge Francis T. Brooke and his wife, who was a direct descendant of Governor Spottswood, famous "Knight of the Golden Horseshoe." The bride is a granddaughter of the late Congressman William A. Phillips, of Kansas, and his wife, Margaret Caraway Stewart Spillman. of Tennessee. On her mother's side she is a daughter of the late Judge Joseph A. Chapline, of Shepherdstown, whose ancestors were among the earliest settlers in this section.

Among the out-of-town guests attending the wedding were the Misses Berkeley, of Staunton. Va.; Miss Ann Iglehart, of Annapolis, Md.; Solicitor Edwin Phillips Hanna, the Misses Hanna, Miss Frances Cox and Mrs. C. Piquette Mitchel, of Washington, and Mrs. Robert Gibson, of Philadelphia.

Source: Some Prominent Virginia Families, Volume II, By Louise Pecquet du Bellet, Edward Jaquelin, Martha Cary Jaquelin, published by J.P Bell Company, Inc., 1907; Pgs. 371-372

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