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Prof. Ulrich Bonnell Phillips Weds Miss Lucie Mayo-Smith

  • Mamie
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27 Oct 2011 14:31 #793 by Mamie
(1) Cards of invitations to the wedding breakfast of Miss Lucie Mayo-Smith and Prof. Ulrich Bonnell Phillips, at Hotel Gotham, New York, at one o’clock February twenty-second, have been received in this city. Professor Phillips is the son of Mr. A.R. Phillips, of this city, and is holding the chair of history at Tulane University. His friends and acquaintances here will extend congratulations.

Source: Union Recorder, Milledgeville, Georgia, January 31, 1911; Pg. 5

The wedding of Miss Lucie Mayo-Smith, daughter of Mrs. Richmond Mayo-Smith (Miss Mabel B. Ford), of 305 West 77th Street, and Prof. Ulrich Bonnell Phillips, of New Orleans, La., took place at noon yesterday at the Hotel Gotham.

The ceremony was performed in the ball room, which was hung with southern smilax, broken with white roses and spring flowers. The bride had no attendants, and only about fifty guests witnessed the ceremony, which was performed by the Rev. H.P. Smith, of Meadville, Pa.

During the ceremony a wedding hymn by Nevins was rendered by piano and voice. The bride wore a trailing robe of hand-embroidered satin, which was covered by veil net and trimmed with lace. She carried a bouquet of white gardenias.

Frank Turner, of Birmingham, Ala., who was to have acted as best man, was kept away by illness in his family. There were no ushers.

A reception followed the ceremony and there were about 700 present. A buffet breakfast was served.

After the reception, Professor and Mrs. Phillips left for the south on their bridal trip, where the bridegroom is professor of history at Tulane university.-New York Times.

Source: Union Recorder, Milledgeville, Georgia, February 28, 1911; Pg. 10

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