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Rosina Thomas, dec'd, wife/o Alexander Philips, Orleans Parish, LA.

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15 Jun 2014 11:29 #1452 by Mamie
Succession of Rosina Thomas, Deceased, wife of Alexander Philips.
SECOND DISTRICT COURT FOR THE PARISH of Orleans, No. 38,754.-Notice is hereby given to the creditors of this estate, and to all other persons herein interested, to show cause within ten days from the present notification, if any they have or can, why the account presented by Isaac N. Philips, Philip T. Philips and John B. Cotton, testamentary executors of the deceased, should not be approved and homolgated, and the funds distributed in accordance therewith.
By order of the court.
Jy 25-28 Aug.

Source: The New Orleans Daily Democrat, New Orleans, Louisiana, Wednesday, July 25, 1877; Pg. 3, Column 2

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