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1876: N.Y. - Lewis O. Phillips, willed torn photograph

  • Mamie
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03 Feb 2015 07:55 #1611 by Mamie
A TORN PHOTOGRAPH.-Lewis O. Phillips died two years ago, worth one hundred thousand dollars, leaving a wife but no children. By his will he gave his wife a life estate in all his property, the whole, upon her death, to be divided among various Hebrew charitable associations. One of Mr. Phillips's nephews, a short time before his death, had in a rage torn his uncle's photograph in pieces and thrown them at him. Mr. Phillips in his will, having gathered the pieces together, bequeathed the torn photograph to his nephew. The nephews contested the validity of the will as being in contravention of the statutory provision that no person leaving husband, wife, parent or child shall devise more than one-half of his property to charities. Judge Donohue rendered a decision Monday sustaining the will.-N.Y. Sun.

Source: Savannah Morning News, Savannah, Georgia, Saturday, July 22, 1876; Pg. 1, Column 3

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