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Will of Joseph Phillips, Providence, Rhode Island, d.Sep 1719

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15 Feb 2015 14:46 #1632 by jingles350gs
The Early Records of Providence, Will Book#2, September 12, 1716 to January 7, 1728/29. Transcribed Vol XVI, Printed 1901.
Page 98 - Original Book Page 67:

The twenty first day of August 1719: I JOSEPH PHILLIPS of Providence in the Colony of Rhode Island in New England: husbandman, being very sick and weak in body but of perfect mind and memory Thanks be given to God therefore: Calling unto minde the mortality of my body: and knowing that is appointed for all men once to dye doe make and ordain this my Last will and Testament: that is to say Prinsipelly and first of all I Give and Recommend my sole into ye hands of God that gave it and my body I recommend to the Earth to be buried in a decent manner: And Touching such wordily Esstate with hath pleased God to Bless me in this (life) I Give Demise and dispose of the same in the following manner and forme:

Imprimis I Give and bequeathe to ELIZABETH PHILIPS my beloved Wife all my housing and (Lands) where I now dwell to use and Enjoy during the term of her natural Life whom I Like wise Cnstitute make and ordain my sole Executrix of this my Last will and Testament.

Item I Give and bequeathed to my son JOSEPH PHILLIPS one Cow the Reason where(fore) I give him no more is because he hath something Consiid[er]able in Lands which fell to him from his deceased brother JOHN, - Item I give and bequeath to my son DAVID PHILLIPS my three acres of Land which lieth about half a mile southwardly from my now dwelling house: To him his Heirs and Assigns forever I also Give to my sd son DAVID PHILLIPS one cow.

Item I Give and bequeathe to my son DANIELL PHILLIPS one Cow.

Item I Give and bequeathe to my daughter ELIZABETH PHILLIPS one Cow.

Item I Give and bequeathe to my daughter PHEBE PHILLIPS one Cow.

Item I Give and bequeathe to my son JEREMIAH PHILLIPS after my wifes decease, all my housing and Land where on I Now dwell to him his Heirs and assigns for Ever: And I doe hereby utterly disallow Revoke and disanull all and Every other former Testaments Wills Legacies and bequests and Executors by me in any ways before named willed and bequeathed, Ratifieing and Confirming this and no other to be my Last Will and Testament: In witness where of I have here unto sett my hand and seal the day and year above written signed Published Pronounced and Declared by the said Joseph Phillips as his Last Will and Testament in the presence of us the subscribers

Samuel Comstock the mark of Joseph [X] Phillips L.S.
Samuell Wilkinson
Phillip [X his mark] Pheteplace

On the reverse side of the page (68 in the original book)

Att a Towne Councill held att Providence this 5th day October Anno DOM: 1719

The within will was Examined approved and allowed to be Recorded and JOSEPH PHILLIPS son of the within named Joseph Phillips being present att the Probation of sd Will: Promised and declared that he would make a further Confirmation to his brother DAVID of the within mentioned three acres of Land

Attest Richard Waterman Clerke of the Councill
Recorded this 10th of October; 1719;
Pr Richard Waterman Clerke

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