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Will of Ichabod Phillips - 1843

  • JaniceNewtonThurmond
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26 Oct 2016 21:02 #1750 by JaniceNewtonThurmond
Will of Ichabod Phillips - 1843 was created by JaniceNewtonThurmond
Columbia County, Georgia Will Book X 1834 - 1859 Ichabod Phillips Will
Registered November 8th, 1843.
State of Georgia }
Columbia County } In the name of God Amen and I Ichabod Philllips of this state and County afforsaid being of advanst age and somewhat afflicted in body but of perfect mind and memory do make and establish this my last Will and Testament, Revoking all other Wills heartofore by me made. First I direct my body to be buried in a decent manner, and that my funeral be conducted in a manner according to my circumstances in life. And as to such bodily estates as it has pleased God to entrust me with I dispose by the same as follows: First I give to my beloved wife Sophiah Phillips all the tract of land whereon I now reside, containing five hundred and fifty seven acres with the exception of fifty acres that I have deaded of to John Phillips my Grandson, during her natural life or Widderhood and after the death of my Wife I direct my Executors to sell the said tract or parcel of land at public outcry to the hiest bidder and the money arising therefrom to Eaquelly divide amongst my legal representatives, viz. Joseph Phillips, William Phillips, Benjamin Phillips, Isham Phillips, Micager Phillips, Ellis Phillips, Mathew Phillips, Abslom Phillips and the two sons of my son Wilder Phillips John and William Phillips my two Grandsons and Sally Paris and her children Vashti Whitaker and her children and Winney Kendrick and her children, Elitha Taylor and her children Margaret Brinson and her children, Nancy Addams and her children and Clarisa Phillips my daughter that are yet single and I also give to my Wife my negro girl Aramenta to dispose of at her death as she may think proper. I also leave to my Wife and daughter Clarisa all of my stock of hogs and cattel and sheap and all of my household and furniture, plantation tools __ and one work ___ and after the death of my Wife I leave the same to my daughter Clarisa Phillips and all of my negro slaves that I have not Deaded away heretofore by Deed of Gift to my sons with the exception of one small negro girl by the name of Francis I also leave to my Wife to dispose of at her death as she may think proper if not sold before my death, and the said remaining slaves viz. Lenney, Rachel and her four children, and my negro man Martain with the exception of one of the such children that I have heartofore give to my son Abslom and the above named six negroes I direct my Executors hearafter named to Enter to and have a fair appraisement of the same by three or five of my Juditious nebors and the same to sell at public outcry viz. to the highest bidder and after paying all of my just debts and incidental expences I direct my Executors to settel to each of my daughters and ther children one hundred dollars to each and the ballance if their be any to lone out into good hands at Interest and for the use of my Wife if she should nead. And at her death to divide the same amongst my legal representatives heartofore named. I also give to my son Abslom Phillips all that tract or parcel of land lying on the East side of Headstall Creek whare John Taylor now lives to have and to hold the same forever in fee simple, containing one hundred and five acres, and I have one other tract of land in Muscogee County containing Three hundred and fifty acres, I direct my Executors to sell the same either at public or private and to give to my son Mathew One hundred dollars out of the Sale of said land and the ballance to keep as heartofore directed till the death of my Wife and to lone out the same and at her death to Divide the same amongst all of my children heartofore named if not previously sold by my son Isham Phillips.
And I do hearby make and ordain my to sons William and Mathew Phillips, and my friend and neighbor Willis Palmer my Ecutors to this my last Will and testament In Witness whareof I Ichabod Phillips the testator have to this my last Will and testament written on one sheet of paper set my hand and seal this the fifth day of July in the year of our Lord One Thousand Eight hunddred and forty three. Signed Ichabod Phillips [his X mark]
Sin'd seald and acknowledged in the presence of Stephen G. Reaves [his X mark]; Randolph Newsom;
Willis Palmer J.P.
Georgia Columbia County } Stephen G. Reeves, Randolph Newsom and Willis Palmer the three subscribing witnesses to the annexed and foregoing instrument after being duly sworn upon the Holy Evangellist, depose and say that they were personally present and saw the testator Ichabod Phillips in life sign and pronounce and declare the same to be his last Will and testament, that the testator was of sound and disposing mind and memory at the doing thereof and that they signed the same as Witnesses in the presence of and at the request of the testator and in the presence of each other,
Sworn to be in open Court
This 6th day of November 1843 G Jones, Clerk
Signed by: Willis Palmer; Randolph Newsom; Stephen G. Reaves [his X mark]
Georgia } By the Court of Ordinary for said County
Columbia County } To all whom these present shall come, Greeting Know ye that on the sixth day of November in the year of our Lord One Thousand Eight hundred and forty three, The last Will and testament of Ichabod Phillips late of said County deceased was exhibited in open Court and in Common form of law proved and admitted to record a copy of which is hereunto annexed and administration of all and singular the goods, chattel, and credits of said deceased, was granted to Mathew Phillips and Willis Palmer two of the Executors, in and by said Will named and appointed they having first taken the oath and performed all other requisites required by law of them by order of said Court and by virtue of these presents legally authorised to administer the goods, chattel, and credit of the said deceased according to the tenor and effect of the said Will and testament and according to law and are hereby required to sending a true and perfect Inventory of all and singulary the goods, chattel and credits of the said deceased and appraised and returned to this Court according to law, and to render a true and Correct account to the said Court of their actings and doings yearly and every year until their administration if fully completed.
Witness the Honorable Edward Ballard one of the Justices of the same Court of Ordinary this sixth day of November but in the year of our Lord 1843.
G. Jones, Clerk
Transcribed by Janice Newton Thurmond, with all spelling and punctuation the same as in the original handwritten will. Illegible words indicated by "_______."

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