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Will & Probate Records for Ellis Phillips, son of Ichabod Phillips & Sophia Lord

  • JaniceNewtonThurmond
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27 Oct 2016 12:59 #1757 by JaniceNewtonThurmond
Columbia County, Georgia Court of Ordinary Will Book "J" page 312:
WILL OF ELLIS PHILLIPS Recorded December 15, 1898, Geo. W. Gray, Clerk
State of Georgia }
Columbia County} I, Ellis Phillips, of said State and County, being of sound and disposing mind and memory, do make and publish this my last will and testament hereby revoking all former wills.
Item 1st: — I will and bequeath that my body be buried decently and in conformity to my circumstances in life.
Item 2nd: — I will and bequeath that all my just debts be paid.
Item 3rd: — I will and bequeath to my Sons, James I. Phillips and Alexander S. Phillips, in trust for my minor daughter, Etta May Phillips, the Sum of five hundred dollars, this Item to be first charge against my Estate.
Item 4th: — I will and bequeath to my Son, J. I. Phillips fifty acres more of land lying west of the Louisville road and joining land of himself and Extending to the run of the Creek.
Item 5th: — I will and bequeath to James I. Phillips and A. S. Phillips, in trust for Mary A. S. Verdery and her children, all of that tract of land on which the said Mary A. S. Verdery now resides containing two hundred acres, more or less, Excepting two acres upon which Ellis Chappel is located: Said land being the Same purchased by me from James M. Clary, and at the death of said Mary A. S. Verdery, the said land to go to her children; this being considered by me as her full share of my Estate.
Item 6th: — I will and bequeath to each of my following children, Alexander S. Phillips, Martha A. Powell, Alice E. Ramsey, F. H. Phillips, Ellis T. Phillips, Annie E. Lansdell and Etta May Phillips, Each the amount of one hundred acres of land of equal value as the land set apart to J. I. Phillips in 4th Item of this will; then the balance of the land, including the home place to be held by the said J. I. & A. S. Phillips in trust for the said Etta May Phillips, for her maintenance until she becomes of age or married, then to be divided equally between Alexander S. Phillips, Martha A. Powell, Alice E. Ramsey, F. H. Phillips, Ellis T. Phillips, Annie Ellen Lansdell, Etta May Phillips and James I. Phillips.
Item 7th: — I will and bequeath to my granddaughter Annie Bell Wiles ninety acres more or less of land near old Union Church, known as the Baston or Amaker place.
Item 8th: — I will and bequeath that all of the remainder of my Estate, Except what is already disposed of, be Equally divided between Alexander S. Phillips, Martha A. Powell, Alice E. Ramsey, F. H. Phillips, Ellis T. Phillips, Annie E. Lansdell, Etta May Phillips, J. I. Phillips and Annie Bell Wiles, share and share alike.
Item 9th: — I do hereby constitute my Sons James I. Phillips and Alexander S. Phillips My Executors to see this My Will Executed.
Witness my hand and seal, this 29th Nov. 1893. Ellis X Phillips {LS}
Signed, declared and published by Ellis Phillips as his last will and testament in the presence of us, the Subscribers, who subscribe our names hereto in the presence of said testator at his request and of each other, he Signing his own name, and we signing in his presence.
Witness this 29th Nov. 1893 J. A. Ansley William Lansdell C. H. Flury J. P.
Filed, Probated and admitted to record, at the regular term Dec. 5th 1898 Geo. W. Gray, Clerk.
Estate Records - Court of Ordinary Columbia County, Georgia Volume C 1882 - 1959; page 83:
Inventory and Appraisement of the Estate of Ellis Phillips
6 Shares of Georgia Rail Road Stock - $1150.00
Cash - $516.00
Cotton Seed - $45.00
Household and Kitchen furniture - $100.00
12 Thousand Shingles - $30.00
One Silver Watch - $2.00
One Piano - $50.00
One Shotgun - $5.00
10 Hogs - $50.00
9 Bales of Cotton - $175.00
Wagon and Harness - $10.00
Saddle and bridle - $2.00
Farming tools - $10.00
Blacksmith tools - $8.00
Corn - $75.00
Fodder - $25.00
Peas - $25.00
4 Head Stock - $160.00
1500 Acres of land - $7500.00
(Total) $9863.00
(Written beneath the total is 9144.)
We the undersigned appraisers do certify that having been first sworn by and before each other according to law that the within and foregoing is a true Inventory and Appraisement of all the Estate of Ellis Phillips, deceased, so far as the same was produced before us by the Executors of said deceased, to the best of our Judgment and understanding.
Given under my hand and seals, this 19 day of December 1898. John L. Smith {LS}
Jms. R. Willingham {LS} T. A. Whitaker {LS} Ed. Prather {LS} Appraisers
Obtained from microfilmed records at the Georgia State Archives, Morrow, Georgia, and carefully transcribed by Janice Newton Thurmond.

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