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Mrs. Eliz. Phillips, heir, Solomon Powell, Q.M., VA St. Navy

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07 Mar 2013 13:07 #1211 by Mamie
Solomon Powell, Quartermaster.

Exec. Dept. Dec. 31, 1851. The heirs of Solomon Powell are allowed L. B. for his services as a Q. M. in the State Navy for 3 years. John Floyd, Gov.

Ext. from letter to Col. S. H. Parker, Register, from James B. White, Onancock, Va/, Jan. 14, 1852: "Enclosed is certificate of Power of Atty. from Mrs. Elizabeth Phillips, only heir at law of Solomon Powell, who was allowed land as a Seaman in the Va. State Navy and has since been allowed as Quarter Master, you will also receive proof of heirship. You will issue on half to the heir and one half to me." Signed,

Rec'd. of Regr. Warrants Nos. 9345, issued Feb. 10, 1852 to Elizabeth Phillips, only heir at law of Solomon Powell, and 9346 for 1283-1/3 acres issued to Jas. B. White, assignee of Elizabeth Phillips.

Note. In the Power of Atty. paper, issued by Elizabeth Phillips, the name Robert Powell is written— I believe— for
Solomon Powell in mistake:—

"I, Elizabeth Powell, only heir at law of Solomon Powell, who was a Quarter Master in Rev. War., appoint James B. White my Atty. to obtain warrant due for services of said Robert Powell in the Rev. War."

Signed in presence of Nathl. and Nancy Kellam and William T. Snead.

Ack. before John J. Blacstone, J. P. 4th Oct., 1851, Accomack County.

Accomack Co. court, 30 Aug., 1831. Certified that Elizabeth Phillips is the only child and heir at law of Solomon Powell, dec'd. who was a Seaman in the Va. State Navy in the Rev. war. Copy teste, Thos. R. Joynes, Clerk.

Warrant No. 6985 was issued 21 Oct., 1831 in lieu of No. 6871.

Source: Virginia Soldiers of 1776, Compiled from Documents on File in the Virginia Land Office, Together with Materials found in the Archives Department of the Virginia State Library, and other reliable sources, Volume I, compiled and edited by Louis A. Burgess, published by Richmond Press, Inc., Richmond, Va., 1927; Pgs. 329-330

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